Failure to obey the Holy Prophet-SW indeed a great misfortune even though such a person may seriously believe that he is having a great time without having to take the trouble of offering Salat, fasting and Jihad. And that he is comfortable, living his life at home at his free will. But little does he realize that he is heading towards an awful calamity just as those who failed to join the Tabuk Expedition and were pleased with themselves for having saved their wealth and life from imminent danger. In fact, they could not stand the idea of spending anything in the Cause of Allaah-SWT . The consequence of sin is a state whereby there remains no room for piety in the heart. Those lingerers also persuaded others to stay behind and spare themselves of a very hot summer and the long tedious journey. They highlighted the risks involved in obeying the Holy Prophet-SW so as to deter others from availing the opportunity of joining the Jihad. Similar is the attitude of today's elite who believe that religion impedes progress in this world.
So let it be known to those who avoid striving in Allah-SWT's Cause that the fire of Hell is far more intense and painful and its torments far more terrifying. They must not be pleased with themselves for renouncing the Holy Prophet-SW‘s obedience and thereby avoiding the possible hardships. They must know, if they have the sense to ponder over and comprehend, that they are putting themselves in great trouble. If still they are contended with their conduct then let them rejoice, but they must remember that eternal grief is concomitant to this ephemeral joy Their conduct will ultimately drive them into eternal wailing.
To consider obedience to the Holy Prophet-SW as something less important and to evade it deliberately is such a grave crime that it deprives one of Allah-SWT's blessings permanently. If ever these hypocrites offer their services for Jihad, the Holy Prophet-SW must tell them to stay back, as they have been deprived forever of the honour of accompanying him-SW. That chapter is closed and they shall never be given the opportunity to take part in Jihad. Moreover, their offer itself is empty of any sincerity, a blessing of which they have already been deprived, for they had opted to stay back with those who were disobedient rather than joining and obeying the Holy Prophet-SW. So now they must live with them permanently sharing the same fate. May Allaah-SWT protect us! If only the pseudo progressive believers of today could ponder over this point.
Funeral Salat of a Hypocrite or Respect of his Tomb is Forbidden
The Holy Prophet-SW is forbidden to offer the funeral Salat of a hypocrite, or to stand by his grave. This was indeed a great misfortune, and a punishment that the Holy Prophet-SW had been forbidden to offer their funeral Salat. And their eternal deprivation from the Holy Prophet-SW‘s intercession in the Akhirah was thus unveiled to them at the time of death. Although they were outwardly Muslims who offered Salat and observed fasting yet they used to deride the symbols of Islam and those who practised it, and would impede obedience to the Holy Prophet-SW by highlighting the risks of worldly losses.
After the revelation of this Ayah, the Holy Prophet-SW never offered funeral Salat of a hypocrite. Since the Divine Revelation ended with him-SW and no one can now identify hypocrites with certainty, the scholars assert that funeral Salat will be offered for all who claim to be Muslims. However, these Ayat have made it crystal clear that a funeral Salat and standing by the grave is forbidden, if the dead: (1) deride the noble believers (2) dissuade others from Jihad and (3) consider adherence to and practice of Islam as a hurdle in mundane progress. However, in a compelling situation, whereby the deceased is a relative and there is no one to manage the funeral, it is permitted just to dump him in the pit.
Grave is where the Body is buried
Certain modern theologians assert that the term grave does not stand for the pit where the body is buried, but it is either in llliyin or in Sijjin. This Ayah has clearly contradicted their stance, as the Holy Prophet-SW always stood by the grave at the time of burial. Therefore, it is this very pit which the Quran terms as grave, and it is here that the questioning takes place.
A Pious Person Standing by a Grave benefits the deceased
It is also evident from these Ayat that the Holy Prophet-SW‘s presence by the grave benefited the deceased immensely. This is why the hypocrites were deprived of this honour and he was forbidden to do so. Many events in the life of the Holy Prophet-SW and his-SW sayings prove that the deceased is benefited whenever any pious person stands by his grave while this Ayah is very clear on the subject. The affluence and progeny of the hypocrites must not amaze the believers. The real aim of existence is not the possession of material effects. A person dying of thirst, who hits upon a heap of gold while digging for water, derives no happiness from his discovery, rather it will grieve him, as he knows that he will not live to enjoy any of it. This is the state of the hypocrites, that wealth, otherwise synonymous to comfort and peace, leaves them restless and uneasy. Children are a source of honour and satisfaction, but for them they prove to be a punishment. Allaah-SWT is indeed the Most Powerful Who can transform the sources of pleasure, in terms of their effects, into sources of infliction. And the hypocrites are also condemned to the punishment of dying as infidels without being able to repent.
The evidence to this punishment is their behaviour on hearing the command to accompany the Holy Prophet-SW on an expedition. They make all sorts of lame excuses, whereas the root of faith is obedience to the Holy Prophet-SW. These hypocrites, inspite of having the ability, prefer to stay back and seek exemptions on one pretext or the other. To practise Islam and to strive for its enforcement tantamount to helping the Holy Prophet-SW even today. Those who fail to avail this opportunity must not be contented with their lot, rather should ponder over the reasons for their deprivation from this honour.
Intention is the Deciding Factor
The hypocrites are happy that they have been spared any hardship by staying back. However, the fact is that in reciprocation of their misconduct, Allaah-SWT has sealed their hearts whereby they have lost the sense of discrimination between loss and gain. This Ayah highlights the point that everything is based on the state of the heart, the inner intention. And as long as the heart is not alive or illuminated, neither can one practise piety nor can he perceive the loss in inactivity and the gain in action. Compared to them is the most illuminated heart of the Holy Prophet-SW and of those who have been blessed with his company as believers. The shining evidence is their readiness to serve Allaah-SWT and His-SWT Prophet-SW whereby they are constantly striving with their heart and soul for the prevalence of Islam. It is for them that Allaah-SWT has destined success both here and in the Hereafter. They will be the dwellers of ever blooming Jannah with rivers flowing beneath. This is the real success for which we must follow in the footsteps of those noble and blessed souls gone by.